Presépio is Portuguese for "Nativity Scene". Follow along as we build this year's version of a long family tradition. Mai e Pai (Mom & Dad, in Portuguese) started this tradition with just a few figurines bought in a Paris airport, to hundreds of pieces lovingly collected or hand-crafted over the decades and across two continents.

Click here for Wikipedia's description...

08 December, 2010

The Story of Christmas" - in the digital age...

My querida prima Gu shared's pretty well done, and understandable even if you don't speak Portuguese - though it helps if you understand google, Facebook, and Twitter!!
(The message at teh end says "Times change - the sentiment stays the same..."

1 comment:

  1. I think I'm becoming a Luddite! ;-)))

    Very funny but a little scary to think about the traffic information highway at this time of year!

    Thank you, Gu!
