Presépio is Portuguese for "Nativity Scene". Follow along as we build this year's version of a long family tradition. Mai e Pai (Mom & Dad, in Portuguese) started this tradition with just a few figurines bought in a Paris airport, to hundreds of pieces lovingly collected or hand-crafted over the decades and across two continents.

Click here for Wikipedia's description...

04 December, 2010

Waterfall advice needed - mist or no mist? Vote here...

Looking for advice on whether or not to add "mist" to the waterfall this year...
Here are pics of our usual saran wrap waterfall, with and without the illusion of mist at the bottom.
Does it actually look like mist?  Or does it look like a forgotten bit - kind of like when the surgeon leaves a sponge behind in your innards after an operation...?
Please vote...!


  1. BB W. said...
    Well thank goodness you got on with things, after all the waterfall is key!

    I voted but would add the caveat that the je ne sais quoi might be a tad better if there were less "mist". Of course in the evening hours in candle light, I am sure we'll all feel it is very realistic. And here I thought you were going to have a little pump spewing cool mist from a humidifier located in another room or in the ceiling or the upstairs closet. ;-)

    Clearly we need to make several pilgrimages!

  2. Está giríssimo, very realistic indeed...

    Muita LUZ para toda a família americana...


  3. You may need to hire a professional photographer . . . the mist looks like gray hair in the photos, like an old cat is shedding profusely. Consider using bounce slave strobes and umbrellas to even out the lighting.
