Presépio is Portuguese for "Nativity Scene". Follow along as we build this year's version of a long family tradition. Mai e Pai (Mom & Dad, in Portuguese) started this tradition with just a few figurines bought in a Paris airport, to hundreds of pieces lovingly collected or hand-crafted over the decades and across two continents.

Click here for Wikipedia's description...

20 December, 2009

Taking shape... 20 Dec

Well, I set out this morning planning to make lots of progress in daylight, so I could take pictures with natural light, but...ummm...well, I didn't get to a photo-worthy point until late...

We're getting to the little details point - a basket of apples for the horses (indian corn kernels in a doll-house basket), the small farm in the back (11-bean soup lentils & peas), and Marzipan & Venus on the front lawn...
Also have presents for the toy collection (our version of Toys for Tots), and benches, trees, flowers around hte town square.  The pastor is there encouraging more donations.
And, one of my favorite parts, the ducks around the lake.
Will try and sneak a few photos tomorrow during lunch...
Pressure's on for all being ready by Christmas day!


  1. Olha, olha...uma casinha alentejana...lindo presépio...minha querida prima, tenho saudades de vos ver... um bom Natal a toda a família Freire d'Andrade...

    Com muita LUZ


  2. The village looks as though it is really ready for Christmas! Can't wait to come up to visit it in real life. Now only if I could figure out a way to make myself shrink to fit!

  3. Ola Gastão! Bem vindo querido primo!
    Bom Natal para todos ai. Saudades!
    (E giro que, as minhas sobrinhas chamam-me Tita, porque em pequenas, não consigiam dizer Tia Tereza...!)

  4. Hallo vanuit Brussel. We vinden jullie kerstkribbe supermooi en volgen dit dagelijks op de voet. Nogmaals proficiat voor deze supermooie creatie. Waar halen jullie de creativiteit toch steeds maar ?
    Kusjes van ons allen.
    Familie HOMAN.

  5. O meu marido é o melhor!!!
    Imagina que tentei já duas vezes e bloqueio sempre tudo!!
    Aqui vai agora a tradução em francês para ser mais divertido:
    Bonjour de Bruxelles. Nous trouvons votre crèche absolument superbe et suivons avec grand intérêt sa création. Toutes nos félicitations pour ce que vous faites. Où donc trouvez-vous toute cette créativité?
    Bisous de nous tous.
    Adivinhem quem somos... :)

  6. C'ést bien dificile de advinhar qeum são...Bemvindos, finalemente!!
